Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Beliefs That Surround My Reality

I have my own thoughts about what the ideal values/beliefs are (at least in My Reality) and they will never change. A few I will share and the rest can be discovered and learned scattered throughout my future postings. (Funny my posts have went from words for James, who never needed or deserved them, to a world of people I do not know that can appreciate them more than he ever would have.)

1) I have the utmost respect for religious beliefs; I prefer to not go into a church (except if there is an art purpose), because I feel disrespectful toward believers. I am Atheist and I cannot be swayed to believe in God. I did my research and no matter what I have been told, I cannot force myself to have faith in something I believe is an imaginary character from a fiction book. It is enough to be BiPolar, if I start talking to imaginary higher forces, I'm going to end up back in the hospital for talking to imaginary things. Just Kidding, I know even the religious can see humor in my statement. If you can't poke fun at yourself and what life decided to be your next challenge, we're all in trouble.

2) I do not believe in regret. Right or wrong: I had made my own decisions in life and learned from each of the lessons that life offered from those decisions. When someone regrets what has happened or a choice they made, it causes more negativity: resentment, hostility, anger at yourself, disappointment, a heavy feeling of self-loathing, and this list could go on but I am moving away from adding more negative words.

3) I do not believe I am better that anyone else and so I am not a judgemental person. I prefer to give everyone a chance. The chance only comes once. Someone usually exposes who they are because of my perosnality, somehow they feel comfortable doing so. An outward apperance means nothing, who a person truly is always glows through that outward appearance. Isn't our body just a storage place for our soul and the person we are inside?

4) I do not believe one person is better than other people; everyone has their own demons and struggles in life. Some people have gained life expereince to become better equipped or started in a better position to handle situations, issues, problems, pain, and such. So, people respond through their character and personality with how they have handled their demons. "They" have always said, "You never know what the stranger next to you is dealing with." A person's environment and lifestyle all contribute to behavior. A poor man with nothing can be a better person than the rich snotty kid who always buys the whole bar drinks, the snotty kid might be so insecure that he buys the drinks for acceptance. (But the poor man might appreciate the free beer. :)  

5) Sometimes I will smile at people passing by; maybe that simple gesture changed their day or demeanor. A Personal example: I woke up yesterday very depressed and unwilling or wanting to leave my bed but after checking my cell; I had an e-mail from a new friend that was so comforting and so encouraging that I was out of bed 30 seconds later. The smallest kindness can change a moment, that moment could change an hour, that hour a day, continuing to the point of changing a life. If a small gesture of kindness takes no time or energy from life and could change a day or life for someone else, then why not? Plus, smiling and the positive energy is good for everybody.

So, I found another one of My Reality's rules and I thought I would just add it to the bottom of my beliefs list.
  • I do not respond kindly to people who have crossed me or crossed the people I am loyal to and love.
Note: I want to put in an update about my plan to create a social network: it is going to take a WHILE! But it is going to happen and I will keep up with the updates.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hi there. i just posted part of my letting go of god story here and thought you may dig. http://rooferonfire.blogspot.com/2011/01/letting-go-of-god-pt-one.html